Tag: virtual leadership
Working Through COVID Anxiety with Mental Health Expert, Julie Leonard
Have you found yourself struggling to find feelings of happiness throughout the COVID 19 lockdown? Please know that you’re not alone. On this episode of Authentic Living…
Effective Communication in Uncertain Times with Lindsay Lapaquette
We are well into COVID and some businesses have reopened, but there are still many people working virtually. On this episode of Authentic Living with Roxanne,…
In Any Crisis There is Opportunity, So Always Have Hope with Deanna Won
Are you feeling stressed out through the COVID crisis? Are you taking measures to try to minimize your stress levels? On this episode of Authentic Living with…
Online Offerings to Help You Work Smarter Virtually with Valerie Jennings & Johnna Londen of Online Business Gurus
On this episode of Authentic Living with Roxanne, we welcome Valerie and Johnna of Online Business Gurus to talk us through some of the difficulties y…
Tips on Making Each Employee a Leader with CEO, Shelley Butler
Leadership can be daunting and while becoming a great leader for your team is no easy task, going in with the right mindset will carry…
Changing the Landscape of Workplace Culture for Virtual Teams with Leadership Expert, Deborah Connors
On this episode of Authentic Living with Roxanne, we welcome Leadership Expert Deborah Connors to share some ideas about keeping your team positive vi…
Leading Virtually in This Time of Uncertainty with Leadership Expert, Pam Griffiths
Working and leading virtually is a new concept that many people have been pushed into this week. How do we cope when we are used to…