Transformational Leadership (Part 2) with BlackWolf Consultants

Transformational Leadership Quotes:
“You can’t inspire and motivate others unless you are inspired and motivated.” Robert Krenza
“I think one of the most heartbreaking dichotomies in corporate culture is that you have to be two separate people.”
Gabriel Krenza
The past 2 years have been challenging for everyone, there’s no doubt about it. Leaders everywhere have had a rough road navigating the continuous changes made by our respective governments and the constant demand to keep both their team and superiors happy. On this episode of Authentic Living with Roxanne, we welcome Robert and Gabriel Krenza from BlackWolf Consultants, to discuss Transformational Leadership and share ideas for making transactional changes.
Robert Krenza founded BlackWolf Consultants to offer leaders guidance on a new journey where they can learn how to transform their lives and attain their goals. Robert gathers facilitators and coaches who act as guards and teachers – sometimes strongly, sometimes gently – but always with heart and meaning. He brings the qualities of courage, perseverance, passion, challenge, compassion, community, contribution, loyalty, and integrity, to his work. He listens to deeply understand the essence of all that is and the unrealized potential in a person, a team, or an organization.
Gabriel Krenza is a graduate of Presido Graduate School with an MBA in Sustainable Leadership and Analytics and is a Senior Consultant with BlackWolf focusing on Responsible Leadership through several methodologies including Wilderness Immersions to reconnect leaders with their environmental and social ethos in their roles in global organizations. As the Founder of BlackWolf Expeditions, Gabriel’s work in both the fields of sustainability strategy and organizational development are inspired by embracing the concept that our lives are intrinsically interconnected with all other lives on this planet.
I had such a wonderful and information-filled chat with Robert and Gabriel last week that we decided to turn it into a 2-part series. In case you missed last week, here’s the link to Part I It’s not mandatory that you listen to it first, but I recommend that you do. There’s so much amazing content; it would be a shame for you to miss out on any of it.
Listen to the podcast here: Transformational Leadership (Part II) with BlackWolf Consultants
Authentic Touch Points:
- Transformational imagination. 2:00
- Work shouldn’t define you. 7:00
- The Leadership Circle explained. 9:30
- What does possibility mean? 18:00
- The Great Resignation. 22:00
- ROR vs ROI. 26:00
- Work / life balance. 30:00
The work of BlackWolf Consultants consistently generates extraordinary success for its corporate clientele, producing a quantum change in their effectiveness. With BlackWolf’s guidance, leaders can respond to the current challenges of today’s environment to meet their business goals. This creates a legacy that empowers lasting culture change and leaves a positive impact on future generations – and the world.
As we move toward reopening workspaces and gathering again, I encourage leaders to reach out for guidance about presenting their authentic self to develop an improved workplace for everyone with less conflict as I offer executive coaching. Click here to contact me at your convenience, or click here to Chat with Roxanne!
Stay Authentic,
BlackWolf Consultants
Robert’s LinkedIn profile
Gabriel’s LinkedIn profile
Roxanne’s LinkedIn profile
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