Psychological Implications for Returning to Work with Rensia Melles

For my very first LIVE podcast, I invited my friend and former colleague, Rensia Melles to join me in a discussion about current return to work strategies. Listen while we chat and share ideas for leaders to plan and implement a mentally safe and healthy approach for their employees to return to the workplace.
Rensia Melles. M.A. is the founder of Integral Workplace Health. She is a certified Psychological Health and Safety advisor and brings over 20 years of experience managing and designing international employee support programs. Has collaborated with multinational and fortune500 employers on the introduction and implementation of successful employee support for a global workforce. Rensia is passionate about supporting mental health in the workplace.
Listen to the podcast here:
Authentic Touch Points:
- Returning to work in uncertain times. 2:40
- Moving from “hero mode” to anxiety. 6:00
- Online pole and results. 9:30
- Leaders need to be role models. 15:00
- Developing a clear mental health strategy. 21:00
- Rethinking the current work model. 25:30
- Good Practice instead of Best Practice, at least for now. 29:15
- Signs that your staff may be struggling. 32:00
Over the course of her career, Rensia has published and presented internationally on a wide range of employee support topics, including leveraging the workplace for health, global trauma support, mental health, and employer liability. She also holds an M.A. in Social Psychology from The University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
I hope you find the content of this podcast helpful in creating a return to work strategy for your entire team. If you would like to connect, please feel free to reach out by email or book a call with me. You’ll find the links for both below.
You will also find more information about me and how I can help you at
Rensia’s website:
Rensia on Linkedin:
Rensia’s email:
Roxanne’s email:
Book a call with Roxanne:
Roxanne’s previous podcasts: