Helping Others to Live a More Authentic Life Journey with Nikita Burks-Hale

Nikita Burks-Hale, also known as the “JourneyCoach” is a “journeyer” in every sense of the world and has dedicated her life and life’s work to guiding and supporting women in their journey to live more imperfect, authentic, and intentional lives.
I recorded this podcast before the protests started. With all of the unrest that’s been in the news surrounding the senseless murder of George Floyd, and the hundreds of years of systemic racism and injustice, we must stand up, speak out and let our voices be heard if we truly want to make a difference. On this episode of Authentic Living with Roxanne we are so privileged to welcome Journeyer, Nikita Burks-Hale who is with us to discuss how to create a more authentic life journey for people of colour.
Listen to the podcast here:
Authentic Touch Points:
- Nikita’s path to journeying. 2:15
- Resilience for women of colour. 6:45
- “The Invisible Cape”. 10:30
- Microaggressions, what they are. 12:45
- Resiliency in a less tolerant society. 15:15
- The 5 steps of your imperfect journey. 19:00
- You have choices…take control. 23:00
When Nikita is not journeying or building the JourneyGurl Magic empire, you can find her on the couch playing 20 questions with her wife Jessica or Mickey Mouses’s “hot dog dance” with her 2-year old son Adonis.
With many of us working from home and spending most of our time with family, I encourage you to reach out with thoughts or questions. Click here to contact me at your convenience or click the link below to book a call with me. You will also find more information about me and how I can help you at
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Roxanne’s previous podcasts:
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