Even if you hate Mindfulness and Yoga

Getting my son off in the mornings are pretty routine but today he was leaving for a golf trip.
As I was seeing him out the door he said “Look at my drawings on the box of my Club”. To be honest I had not noticed. Scribbled on the box were a lot of pictures along with very powerful words of affirmations.
Last week on the “MindFull Living Podcast” I interviewed and International business coach Gary Barnes. He shared how he used a visualization of a beaver in his mind to repair his brain from MS… pretty powerful stuff.
Daily he would elaborate in his mind all intricate characters for his beavers and their different roles in repairing his MS. 6 months after using this technique all his tests were clear You can find out more about Gary at his site Gary’s Site
In today’s ‘world we need to relax our mind from mental clutter to provide space for gifts like our dreams on the golf course or repairing major things in our body.