Authentic Living with Roxanne with Dr. Gillian Mandich, The Happiness Doctor

This week on Authentic Living with Roxanne, we welcome Dr. Gillian Mandich, who is literally a doctor of happiness!
Gillian loves to learn, she has an insatiable palate for knowledge. She lives her life grounded in science, yet with astronomical dreams. Her thirst for knowledge and passion for education has led her to become a scientist. She has a PhD in Health and Rehabilitation Science (with a specialization in Health Promotion).
Authentic Touch Points:
How I became a Doctor of Happiness. 2:35
The definition of happiness. 5:40
What helps people find their happiness. 12:10
Look within to see what makes you happy. 18:05
Is depression biological or situational? 24:45
Gillian is a media personality with an integrated voice across television, radio, magazines, newspapers, as well as online. She is the host and Community Producer for the TV show “Gillian Mandich: Cooking Adventures”, co-host of the health/fitness podcast and TV show “The Holistic Health Diary”; and is the creator, producer and host of Health Science Radio on CHRW 94.9FM; guest on QVC, The Home Shopping Network (HSN) and The Shopping Channel (TSC) and is a featured expert on various television and radio shows.
She believes in community and that we are all better together. She can be seen in the media doing philanthropic activities such as rappelling buildings for Easter Seals and climbing stairs for the United Way.
Join me to hear Gillian discuss how to lead a happier life!
Please feel free to reach out at any time with questions or thoughts.
Thanks again!