A Journey from the Brink of Suicide to Mental Wellness with Amanda Webster

I think it’s safe to say that many of us struggle with dark thoughts at one time or another but just how bad does have to get to take you to the point of suicide? On this episode of Authentic Living with Roxanne, we are talking with Amanda Webster about her battle with depression that put her on the ledge of a hotel room window and what brought her back.
Amanda is a fitness model and certified wellness coach who overcame depression on her own terms after years of being guinea-pigged on anti-depressants, losing her parents and succumbing to addiction and self-harm led her to a ledge in a Canadian hotel room where she almost took her life.
Listen to the podcast here:
Authentic Touch Points:
- Amanda’s path to rock bottom. 2:30
- The turning point, or is it? 12:15
- Standing on the ledge. 15:00
- There’s no quick fix. 20:40
- The steps toward happiness. 28:30
- Getting honest with yourself. 32:45
- Finding that illusive happiness. 37:30
- Watching for symptoms of back sliding. 41:30
After a year and a half of self-discovery and making healthy changes in her life, Amanda was decertified as having a Serious Mental Illness (SMI) by the professionals that told her it wasn’t possible. Now, she is passionate about helping others who struggle find balance and live their most fulfilling lives.
With many of us working from home and spending most of our time with family, I encourage you to reach out with thoughts or questions. Click here to contact me at your convenience or click the link below to book a call with me. You will also find more information about me and how I can help you at RoxanneDerhodge.com.
Amanda’s website: https://amandawebsterhealth.com/
Amanda’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-_vo54D0yt2u508ZrqWq2Q
Amanda’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amandawebsterhealth/
Roxanne’s previous podcasts: https://roxannederhodge.com/blog/
Book a call with Roxanne: https://calendly.com/roxanne-8