Gender Equality and the ROR: Return On Relationships (Part 2) with Tacko Ndiaye

Gender equality works to advance equality with respect to sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity or expression through the inclusion of people of all genders; today we’re focusing on women and their rights.
Quote: “There’s really a need to invest in the empowerment of women underground. Whether it’s economically, socially, culturally, it has to be a package.” Tacko Ndiaye
This was such a great interview packed with so much inspirational information that we decided to turn it into a 2-part series. Here’s the link to Part 1
The Women’s Equality Movement started almost 200 years now. Every decade has had more and more women speaking up and speaking out in an attempt to create a more equitable world for women and girls around the globe. Women’s rights are human rights! These include the right to live free from violence and discrimination; to enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health; to be educated; to own property; to vote; and to earn an equal wage. On this episode of Authentic Living with Roxanne, we’re privileged to have Tacko Ndiaye join us to talk about gender equality, her book Women and share her experience of more than 25 years fighting for women everywhere.
Tacko is a Gender Team Leader at Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and is based at FAO Headquarters in Rome. She has extensive experience working with governments, national women’s groups, bilateral and multilateral organizations, women’s networks, civil society, and parliamentarians to advance gender mainstreaming and women’s rights in policies, programmes, budgets, institutions, and statistics. Her book, WOMEN, is a powerful visual representation of the journey that women travel. It combines aesthetic beauty, symbols, and visual metaphors to trigger emotions and responses to enduring gender inequalities in all areas of life. WOMEN enriches Tacko’s way of working to initiate action, based on her 25 years of empowering women and girls worldwide. It is her simple, or not-so-simple, way to try something new in being a voice for change.
Watch the video here: Gender Equality and the ROR: Return On Relationships (Part 2) with Tacko Ndiaye
Listen to the podcast here: Gender Equality and the ROR: Return On Relationships (Part 2) with Tacko Ndiaye
Authentic Touch Points
- We’re not moving fast enough. 2:00
- One step forward and two steps backward. 4:30
- The process of creating Women. 8:00
- Women’s rights in different cultures. 12:00
- What can we do? 16:00
- Women helping women. 19:00
Between 2004 and 2007, Tacko worked as an Economic Affairs Officer with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. Her responsibilities included conducting socioeconomic studies on African development by applying quantitative and qualitative methods such as the African Gender and Development Index. She was involved in policy advocacy, capacity building and research on regional developmental challenges, focusing on gender issues. Before joining the UN, Tacko worked with various networks specialized in gender and macroeconomics. She also worked extensively with the Women in Development Network in Europe (WIDE), specializing in policy advocacy in trade and development cooperation from a gender perspective.
As I offer executive coaching, I encourage leaders to reach out for guidance about presenting their authentic selves to develop an improved workplace for everyone with less conflict.
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Women: Tacko’s book: Canada US
The WIN Conference
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