Beating the Odds with Resiliency Expert, Kendal Netmaker

We are all born into different circumstances. Some are born privileged and some deal with more challenges…but one thing we all have in common is that we have to learn to deal with whatever life throws at us. On this episode of Authentic Living with Roxanne, we welcome Resiliency Expert, Kendal Netmaker.
Kendal is one of Canada’s leading entrepreneurs and speakers, from Sweetgrass First Nation, SK. He was raised by a single mother who cared for Kendal and his three younger sisters while growing up in poverty and few chances for opportunity.
In grade 5, Kendal’s life changed forever when his best friend from South Africa helped him to play soccer by paying for his soccer fees and driving him to games/practices. This act of kindness opened up a whole other world for him that he would have never otherwise experienced. The incredible generosity of his childhood friend’s family inspired Kendal to give back when he launched his company, Neechie Gear® – a lifestyle apparel brand that empowers youth through sports. A percentage of all Neechie Gear® profits go toward funding underprivileged youth to take part in sports.
Listen to the podcast here:
Authentic Touch Points
- Kendal’s journey. 3:50
- The key to resiliency. 9:45
- Creating a positive mindset. 14:15
- Striving to become a role model. 17:05
- Busting some of the myths about starting a business. 18:00
- Finding your focus and staying driven. 21:00
- Kendal’s advice for success. 27:00
To date, Kendal has founded and invested in 5 businesses, the author of Driven to Succeed and won over 25 business awards, including runner-up at the YBI Global Entrepreneur of the Year & one of Canada’s Top 40 Under 40®. Kendal speaks professionally to thousands of people each year on resilience, leadership and the power of telling your story.
He lives with his wife and two children in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, where he continues to run his company and provide executive leadership coaching to organizations across the country.
I encourage you to reach out at any time with thoughts or questions. Click here to contact me at your convenience.
Kendal’s website
Kendal’s book
Kendal’s clothing company
The One Thing